sweetheart of mine !

Cepat"!!Letak link korang nanti DIANA leh jenguk :) !

Thursday, June 21, 2012

hai beeps , miss u'olls already . hahahaha :D
actually xde ape sgt yg diana nak share kali ni, juz want to tell about my decision for the previous medic offer that i'd gat before . kan haritu da promise nk bagitau , so i've to fulfil my promise laahh :)
okay , first of all nak stori lah sikit psl offer medic tu . kan ari tu diana ade ckp yg i'm only get the offer from Medic ProLink utk FIS kt surya college and degree kt indon kan ??? ingat x ni ?? kalau x engt , scroll je kt bwh ni n u'll find the previous entry entitled 'Medic vs Accounting' . baca duluu naaa entry ttuuu .. :) okay, the day after that diana dpt pulak offer letter sementara dr MedicMesir .. ohhmmaaaiiii !!! best gler kutt wktu mule2 bkak emel n tgk offer letter sementara tu ... ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY ... erm2, ayh n ibu balik je skolah , trus diana stori la n obvious sgt diana nk sgt pergi but my mum told me to ask n seek permission from my aunt n grandma .. huhuhu .. okay , mls nk cter pnjg berjela sbb i'll crying at the end of my stori , AGAIN ! so , conclusion from sume2 tu , lps tepon maktok n makcik2 ku , diorg kate pikir lah betul2 sbb all of the fees must be SENDIRIAN BERHAD for the first year = 26k .. erk ?? mahal nak mampuih kaann ??? so lepas dipertimbang2kan n berfikir semasak-masak buah anggur *ohh ape kaitan anggur ni..lol~ diana pun ckp kt ayh , xpe lah , angah tolak je lah offer ni . tgu jpa-mara nye rayuan kua . kalau dpt tu , insyaAllah la probability utk pergi tu tinggi , but if x dpt , diana akn hbes kn CAT ni by end of diz year n try apply balik medic nex year . ayh kate , xpelah angah , biarlah org nak kate angh rugi setahun , tp sebenarnya angh x rugi ape2 pun sbb sijil CAT  tu pun berguna jgk kalau nk apply kerja mane2 nnti . huhuhuu .. okay dad :) 
so , skrg i'll be at UiTM Shah Alam until end of diz year , insyaAllah ..

p/s : omomo , my lappy pnye batery is going out :( xsempat nk edit n stori pnjg2 da ni .. nex entry i'll be updated n stori mori pnjg2 lg ea. heheehe . byebye ;*

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ACCOUNTING vs MEDIC ?? which one is better ??

okay..dh lame gler diana x hupdate blog ni...fuhhh!bersawang habes kua kulat2 hijau belaka...meheheheheh :3 *sgt lah menipu sbb da lame x update blog ni, so arini diana nk citer lah serba sdkit ngn mcm2 bnde yg dh jadi lately ni..all such things make me suffer too much !! since u all sume dh sedia mklum kn yg skrg ni i'm already taking Certified Accounting Technician, that is like a foundation in accounting before i proceed with ACCA level next yea *maybe but the problem now is diana dh lost of interest in doing accounting.. okay ! i admit that diana da slh wt pilihan actually.. i'm a pure science student but finally, i put my self riskly into a course that i didn't know anything...sciences vs accounting...is that any link between both of them ??!! absolutely NOT right ?? mase otw balik dr shah alam aritu, i've told to my father that i don't want to continue with all of diz.. he asked me WHY ?? mule2 diana pn cter la psl yg my fren's mum ckp yg CAT nye certificate just UiTM yg bg not from ACCA UK.. pastu ayh kate mmg la mcm tu.. pastu ayh tnye lg, so skrg nk ape?quit n apply medic ? hehehehehhehehe... mule2 diana gelak je la, sbb kalau ckp ngn ayh x reti nk serius pn.. hahaha :D after that, diana ckp la yg diana da apply for JPA-MARA program oversea utk wt medic kt Jordan.. wow!! its sound nice, right ?? mmg la menarik tp xtau laa dpt ke x.. result rayuan ni kua 2 julai nnti, so no worries.. diana akn update kt korg sama ada dpt ke x ea *ye ye je aku ni :)) okay, back to the lane,.. pas ayh tau diana apply rayuan tu, ayh kate cbe la balik kt uma nnti try cari mane2 yg masih buka for registration either for dip in sciences or foundation utk wt medic.. yess!!! ade peluang nk quit ni.. ayh mcm xde hlgn je.. hehehee *hati da berbunga2 mase tu bila smpai je umah, dgn segera nya diana trus bkk lappy n cari lah mane2 online application...n DONE ! nak tau jgk ke ape yg diana mohon ?? okay,, meh tgk kt bwh :
1 - MedicMesir dgn kerjasama UPM
2 - Foundation in Sciences (under Medic ProLink)
3 - Allianze University College of Medical Sciences (AUCMS)
4 - KLMU
6 - n byk la lg.. :))
n semalam, Kak Hana dr Medic ProLink call diana n die ckp la yg diana d offer utk wt FIS kt Surya College, PJ.. ade due pilihan sama ada diana nk wt FIS yg short course or normal nye.. kalau short course tu mcm diana g register skrg n by august nnti dh boleh prepare utk fly ke Universitas Indonesia for degree in medical selama 5 tahun  stgh.. kalau wt yg normal, masuk july intake n nex yea baru fly.. *YES! bunyi nye tersangat lah menarik n diana ase mgkin ni peluang utk diana.. tapi, bila bncg ngn ayh n ibu, diorg mcm x bape setuju sbb tu sume swasta..kalau boleh., ayh nk suh msuk IPTA je sbb lower cost compared to private.. tp mane ade dh IPTA yg bkk intake skrg, kene tgu nex yea laa pulak.. huhu :(( ptg smlm pulak, org dr MedicMesir tepon n die ckp dorg da emel kn offer letter sementara..OMG!! berpusu2 tawaran dtg ni.. tp ayh tetbe wt spoil mood diana... mlm tu ayh ttbe ckp mcm ni 'Angah habes kn dulu CAT ni lah, nex year baru wt FIS tu' mase tu senyum je mmpu... okay! nak mai habaq kt hangpa sume nape ayh suh hbes kn CAT ni dulu.. sbb nye diana wt CAT ni under MARA nye program utk pljr cmrlg (PPC), so diana da terikat kontrak ngn mara utk CAT (1year) n ACCA (3years) .. kalau diana quit within 1year CAT ni, i have to repay the whole amount of loan that i've already accept for CAT as in 15k !!! so, ayh kate kalau habes kn CAT ni without any failure, i don't have to repay back the loan... huhuhuu.. skrg da konfius !!! nk trus kn ke quit .. dilemmaaaaaa :(( n yg paling sedih nye, ptg td ayh ttbe plak ckp mcm ni 'Habes kan je lah ACCA tu' WHAT???!!!!! okay, ni yg diana xleh.. n i said back to him 'haa??!! nk truskan 2nd sem bln july ni pun angah da 50-50 ayh, ni nk truskan ACCA..lagi laaa x jawabnye..angh ase nk habes kan CAT je, n by dec diz year after habes CAT angh nk trus wt FIS dgn Medic ProLink'  :) nekad kan???
okay ! sume yg diana stori kt ats tu adlh sdkt sbyk ape yg da jd skrg .. dgn exam yg ntah mcm apee jee .. kepala otk da x bape btul skrg nih ... n sampai saat diana menulis kt blog ni pun, xde lagi keputusan muktamad yg kua dr mulut diana, either want to proceed with accounting or stop now n get into medical course .. insyaAllah, jika masa dah mengizinkan, diana akn wt istikharah n mintak petunjuk terbaik dariNya.. korg semua pn doa kan lah yg terbaik utk diana k.. i'm really2 stress with all those things !!!